Is the Grass Always Greener…?

CLASS: Our lawns, what are they all about? What do we really know about the beginnings of the practice of having manicured lawns taking up most or a large part of our properties?

Family Fun in the Garden

EVENT: Can you eat a leaf? Build a bird’s nest? Draw a pollinator? And what about bugs? Do we need them? Join us for a morning of fun and learning in the garden!

Easier Gardening for Everyone

EVENT: How can we continue to work in our gardens as we age and/or experience physical constraints? Many of us have limitations that may impair our ability to get into the garden and complete tasks that we enjoy and want to accomplish.

Bats: Our Backyard Buddies

CLASS: Are you scared by bats? They have a bad reputation that they don’t deserve. There are over 1,200 species of bats worldwide with more than a dozen found here in Washington; five of which are likely to use a bat house if placed correctly.


EVENT: Please join us for some gardening fun at the 7th annual PERENNIAL, BULB & SEED SWAP And mini plant sale—CASEE greenhouse open for native sales

Plant Propagation

CLASS: Learn plant propagation timing and techniques to add plants to your garden or to share with family and friends. Discussion will include the various methods of propagation from seed starting, stem cuttings and perennial plant division.

Native Mason Bees

CLASS: Join us for what has become our annual Mason Bee experience! Did you know Mason Bees are one of about 4000 native North American bees, without which most of our fruits and vegetables would not produce.

Hope for a Happy Planet: One Day-One Backyard at a Time

CLASS: Like the famous Margaret Mead who said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has", Grace and Gene bring a can-do approach to the challenges of our time.

Bring Nature to your Doorstep

CLASS: Come learn with us as we explore several planning and design techniques to bring more nature to your yard. We will work with Jane Tesner Kleiner, a local landscape architect, ecologist, environmental educator and disabilities advocate, to plan for your yard improvements.

Clean, Green and Herbal

CLASS: Looking for some alternatives to everyday cleaning chemicals? Join us for a presentation, followed by a make-and-take about DIY herbal green cleaning supplies. We’ll discuss a variety of herbs and their properties that are effective in warding off bacteria, viruses, and pests as well as doing cleaning and providing aromatherapy. We’ll share several recipes for making your own cleaning supplies, then you'll have an opportunity to make two to take home to try.

Northwest Native Garden Plants…

CLASS: Gardens—even in urban areas—can be hotspots of biodiversity, and native plants play a key role in fostering that diversity.

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